These are the “Before” pictures of Before and After.
They are in the 88 Keys Piano Restoration Shop.
Please check back for more pianos.
Restringing a turn-of-the-century Wissner upright piano built in New York.
Discolored Hardman upright piano ivory keys. We’ll restore them with bleaching and a fine sanding.
In-stock Baldwin model L grand piano lid being re-lacquered after trauma.
Masked-off grand piano ready for the soundboard to be lacquered after stripping.
Meticulously hanging and aligning a new set of hammers on a grand piano action.
Hamilton upright piano with jagged ivory key overhangs – too far gone for preservation.
In-stock Baldwin model L grand piano fallboard being re-lacquered.
Mendelssohn upright piano waiting for the return of its keys after being re-covered.
Steinway square grand piano built in 1865 during the Civil War. We are repairing the original parts, not replacing them and then aligning and regulating properly.
Steinway Square grand’s tuning pins and plate casting logo.
Steinway Square grand’s ornate cast-iron harp with original paint.
Steinway Square grand’s “Birdcage action” and original strings.